Mrs. Fleming and Ms. van Westervelt
Peers for Peace (Peer Leadership)
Interested in joining?
Complete this Interest Form
Attend our Interest Meeting on Tuesday, October 15, 3:00-3:30 p.m., in the Big Cafeteria
Peers for Peace is a student leadership group that aims to provide our 7th and 8th grade students at TJ with opportunities to develop a sense of responsibility and respect for their school community. Peers for Peace will offer various outreach programs and activities throughout the school year that will help students connect with, serve, and mentor their peers, elementary students, teachers, and the Fair Lawn community. Programs and activities include elementary school visits, peer leadership activities, fundraising opportunities, and participation in school-wide initiatives.
Meeting Days
Every other Tuesday, 3:00-3:30 p.m. (plus occasional activities during the school day)
Meeting Room
Big Cafeteria