Christian Samra
Ping Pong Club
The purpose of the Ping Pong Club is to provide fun, safe and structured play experiences that promote the physical, mental and social development of every child. Through this club's activities, students can socialize with friends and even form new friendships with other classmates. Students of all playing levels (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced) are welcome to practice and improve their skills through games and tournaments.
Anticipated/Planned Activities
Ping Pong Club activities will consist of friendly game play and tournament play. Matches will be a mixture of singles and doubles. Tournaments are held each year, with "The Battle of The Paddle Tournament" being the year's culminating tournament.
Anticipated Dates to Meet
Bi-Weekly on Wednesday after school from 3:00-3:30 PM. (Meeting 2x per month)
Based on enrollment numbers, club meetings may either be separated into Two Cohorts (Grades 5/6 & Grades 7/8) or by a lottery with students chosen at random for each club gathering.
Main Gymnasium at TJ
How to sign up
There will be google classroom information posted in the MAIN GYM and MPR. Please use the Google Classroom Code: bavobeg to access our club's homepage. Google Classroom will serve as the main source of communication on information such as; meeting dates, important announcements and event details.
There is no required materials for students to club meetings. Tables, paddles and other necessary equipment will be provided by the school. However, students may choose to bring their own paddle if they would like!