Welcome to the Warren Point PTA website!
2024-2026 Board Members
Jeannette Martinez, President
Gina LoMonico, Vice President
Rocio Durand, Vice President
Katherine Arp, Treasurer
Vanessa Barahona, Recording Secretary
Ashley Nicholas, Corresponding Secretary
Have feedback, a great idea, or just general questions about the PTA, please feel free to Email Warren Point PTA
Need to reach our Treasurer? Email Katherine
Information about the WP PTA:
General PTA meetings are held every other month throughout the school year.
All parents, teachers, grandparents and family members are welcome to join.
Dues are $8 per person or $15 for any 2 family members.
Fundraising events are held throughout the year and the profits from these activities are used to provide our students with workshops, assemblies, after-school activities and to supply enrichment programs for the classrooms.
PTA Meeting Dates
Wednesday, September 18, 2024 @ 7:00 PM
Wednesday, November 20, 2024 @ 7:00 PM
Wednesday, January 15, 2025 @ 7:00 PM
Wednesday, March 19, 2025 @ 7:00 PM
Wednesday, May 21, 2025 @ 7:00 PM
All meetings are in person and located in the WP Multi-Purpose Room. (GYM)
Complimentary Childcare is available to those who need it.
If you have any questions, please contact us at
We LOOK forward to seeing you there!
Meeting Minutes
*Minutes from the previous meeting are presented (& revised, if necessary) and approved at each meeting.
Minutes are only posted after they are approved.
Calendar & Events

Returned Check Policy
Warren Point Elementary School PTA recognizes and greatly appreciates the tremendous financial support given by our parents. We understand that occasionally families will run into circumstances which may result in a returned check. The procedure outlined below will be used in the collection of outstanding funds on non-sufficient funds (NSF)/closed accounts.
1. Upon initial notice from the banking institution the check writer will be notified by the treasurer of the NSF check by phone, email, or letter. The check writer will need to respond within 5 days to make arrangements for repayment of the NSF check plus any the bank service fees, currently $16.00. A copy of the returned check will be included with the letter. All attempts to contact the check writer will be documented.
2. If contact has not been made within 5 days, a written demand for payment will be sent via certified mail to the check writer for the amount of the NSF check, bank fees, and postage costs.
3. Immediate payment will be accepted in the form of a check, cash, or money order and arrangements may be made with the treasurer.
4. Until the balance is paid in full the PTA cannot accept a check for payment for any activity or event. If there are repeat NSF checks from the same writer, only cash payments will be accepted going forward.
If you have any questions on the above policy, please contact the PTA Treasurer.
Thank you for your support,
The Warren Point Elementary School PTA